Galitempo, winner of the 1st Open Data Award
On 5 June the CPEIG summoned the I Prize Open Dates, with the aim to boost the use and reuse of the open data published by public institutions (galician and national). In the delivery of prizes celebrated yesterday, June 14th, our first iOS application, Galitempo, was awarded with the first prize of this first edition of the contest, for the use that we make of the data published by the Axencia Meteorolóxica Galega, MeteoGalicia.
We are very happy for having received the prize, and encourage the developers to use the data of open sources that publish our public institutions in a creative waqy, to generate value around the data that has been generated by our administration. Also we expect that the administration will realise the value that can generate around this public information, and no only publish information of interest that can combine with other sources, but also they will publish it in usable formats by the developers, like JSON, XML or RDF. The use of Open Data is a quite recent in our Administration, and we expect that it will evolve to models that allow us generate value to the developers with data of interest for the citizens.