Taller de Azúcar | Blog development · migration from Blogspot to WordPress
Taller de Azúcar is Victoria M. Morales blog, which has been developed with much love and care for a few months starting in BlogSpot. The blog is focused on recipes and its photographs as well as an explanation of the development of them.
Once it outgrew BlogSpot system, especially in terms of customization options and modification of the admin panel, the best choice went through the development of a WordPress template, adapted to the specific needs of Vicky and her blog. For migration from one platform to another, we did not limit ourselves to the development of the new platform, but we do the complete migration of the contents of the previous blog, as well as all images, links, and comments. Thus, the new website did not start from scratch in order to search engine positioning, but we already have the content generated in the previous system. As a complement, visitors who tries to access the old site are redirected to the new address system, so that no visitor stays lost with the migration.
For the development of the web in WordPress, a custom made template was developed as the new corporate image of the project, according to the visual redesign of “Taller de Azúcar” brand. Blog’s graphic image follows the gastronomic theme of the blog, with the posts published with the image of recipes written in a blog. Likewise, it was provided of social features and community, to allow fluid communication with readers via email subscriptions, and integration with social networks (Twitter, Facebook).
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