Desire3 | development of Android native app for XML proccessing and file downloadings
Desire 3 proyect consists of a catalog of learning objects in a standardized format, and cataloged for your reference and consultation. These objects are classified according to SNCP (Professional Qualifications National System), conveniently available through project’s website.
Android’s app allows the catalog of objects to be consulted and its files to be downloaded. Users can be also up-to-date on project’s hot news through the integration of the official Twitter account (@ProxectoDesire) and blog‘s RSS feed.
Available resources list are consulted through a XML API to show the learning objects. After processing the XML file, available resources are listed and its details can be read, after another XML file processing. The file can be downloaded from the file itself through a standard Android browser. The application was designed making use of the latest trends in the design of user interfaces for Android. Thus, application’s object sharing system was implemented exploiting the standard menu system built into the operating system, where resources can be shared via Facebook, Twitter, GMail, or any other application installed into the device.
Greendroid graphics components library is used to implement the ActionBar in Android versions prior to API level 11 (Android 3.0 and above). With a scalable and adaptive interface to the user’s terminal characteristics, the application allows to see the catalog from small QVGA 240 x 320 px (such as HTC Wildfire terminal) to 10″ big screens like the Asus Transformer tablet. The app is available inthe Android Market for free, and the development was performed for FOREM Galicia, with FEDER funds of the European Union and the Xunta de Galicia.
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